Exogenous Ketones!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Creative whining can go a long way with me...

Every once in a while I get a swimmer on my girls team with a rare sense of humor. Coaching is a lot more fun when you can joke back and forth with your athletes. This year, one of my new fish took the top spot. She always had something funny to say, and she was smart enough about it that even her whining was funny. Most whining is not creative enough for me to give much attention.

At a meet about half way through the season, she came up to me and said, "Coach! I can't swim the 100 free! Are you crazy?!"

I replied, "Why not?"

"Because I might die!"

I thought I was being clever when I pointed at a really tall, good looking guy and said, "See that boy there? He's lifeguard certified. If you are about to die, I'll get him to be the one to give you mouth to mouth resuscitation."

Her response? She stormed off and said, "Fine, but he better be rich too!"


1 comment:

  1. LOL - and I can type that with honesty because I just gave out a "HA!" very similar to the one you used to close the post.

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    Kast-A-Way Blog
